Easy to set up
Set up your account online with a deposit of just £1, all the way up to the maximum balance of £2 million.
Post Office Online Saver is provided by Bank of Ireland UK
Set up your account online with a deposit of just £1, all the way up to the maximum balance of £2 million.
You can have your interest paid every month or once a year.
Benefit from our fixed bonus rate for the first 12 months of your account. After 12 months, your rate will be the variable underlying rate only.
You want to manage your account fully online
You need flexibility to access your savings
You’re looking for a choice of either monthly or annual interest payments
You prefer to manage your account by phone or in person
You prefer to put your money away for a fixed period for a guaranteed return
You’ll need access to your money within the first 8 calendar days of opening your account
Account name: Post Office Online Saver (Issue 79)
Interest rate without bonus |
1.25%Gross/AER variable |
Interest rate with bonus (includes a fixed bonus of 3.15% gross for 12 months) | 4.40% Gross/AER variable |
Annual interest, calculated daily, will be paid annually between the 20 and 25 March
Interest rate without bonus | 1.24%
Gross/ 1.25% AER variable |
Interest rate with bonus (includes a fixed bonus of 3.07% gross for 12 months) | 4.31%
Gross/ 4.40% AER variable |
Monthly interest, calculated daily, will be paid on the first business day of each month
Yes. We have the right to change the interest rate on the Online Saver. The reasons we may change your rate are outlined in Section 10, ‘Changes to your account’, of the Online Saver key information.
If we change your interest rate to your disadvantage, we’ll give you notice in writing a minimum of 14 days before the change takes effect, as long as you have at least £100 in your account.
After 12 months | £1,044.00 |
After 24 months | £1,057.05 |
This projection is based on an annual interest option with interest paid into the Online Saver account (compound interest). This projection is provided for illustrative purposes only and does not take into account your individual circumstances.
These assumptions are based on a £1,000 deposit with no further deposits or withdrawals made during the 12 months of the projection.
To apply you must be a UK resident and resident in the UK for tax purposes. This doesn’t include the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man
To apply you must be aged 18 or over
If you wish to switch into this or out to another product, please select the ‘Online Products’ link on your online banking page, Post Office Savings web page or go into your local branch.
Our Online Saver account allows you to make unlimited withdrawals without notice or penalties.
Interest is paid gross. This means we will not automatically deduct tax from the interest we pay on money in your account. It’s your responsibility to pay any tax you may owe to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC).
If you'd like to cancel, you can do so within 14 days of the date your Online Saver was opened.
Your money will be returned in full with any interest.
Please read these documents and guides before you apply. You may like to save or print them for future reference.
By applying you confirm that you have read and understood all sections of the summary box and key documents for this product.
By law, we’re required to have sufficient proof of your identity and address before we can open your account. Most times, we’ll be able to verify your identity and address online, by carrying out searches with public authorities.
In some cases, we may ask you for further documentation. If you’re an existing Post Office customer, there are lots of reasons why we must recheck your identity and address. For instance, you may have moved address since you last opened an account, or you may have no active accounts with us at the moment.
We may ask you to give us information to verify your identity, address or financial status.
To confirm your identity, we’ll normally ask you to supply us with one of the following:
To establish your address, we’ll usually ask you to send us one of the following:
If we need you to prove your financial status, we’ll ask you for specific documentation.
Your identity and address information will need to be certified.
Please note, if we don’t receive your documents within 28 days of your application, it’ll be cancelled. You’ll then need to reapply for the savings account.
A linked UK bank or building society account in your name(s) is required to open and manage your account. A linked account allows you to safely deposit and withdraw money from your savings account. Further information is available in the ‘About your linked account’ section within the within the Online Saver key information.
A power of attorney usually allows you to open or operate an account on behalf of another person. Post Office can’t advise you on gaining power of attorney. Please contact your legal adviser for further information.
To apply for a Post Office Online Saver account under a power of attorney, you’ll need to provide us with your personal details and those of the donor.
You'll also need to provide:
Please note we won’t agree to give anyone else authority over your account except under an Enduring Power of Attorney, or a Property and Financial Affairs Lasting Power of Attorney that’s registered with the Court of Protection.
In exceptional circumstances we may accept unregistered forms of attorney or other third-party authorities to operate the account.
To open a Post Office Online Saver or take over the management of an existing account, please complete and return the Power of Attorney form.
If you’re unhappy about your choice and wish to cancel your account, please call us on 0345 602 3409. This must be within 14 days of receiving notification from us that your account has been opened. Once you’ve informed us of your wish to cancel, we’ll help you switch to another Post Office savings product. Alternatively, we’ll give you all your money back with any interest it’s earned. If you don’t exercise your right to cancel, your account will continue.
Call costs may vary depending on your provider.
AER stands for Annual Equivalent Rate. It shows what the interest rate would be if interest were paid and added to your account each year.
Gross rates means we will not automatically deduct tax from the interest we pay on money in your account. It’s your responsibility to pay any tax you may owe to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC).
A variable rate of interest can go up or down throughout the lifetime of a savings account.
Linked account:
A linked account is a current account that we link to your savings account. It must be a UK personal bank or building society account in your name(s).
Find out more about the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) and how it protects your savings.
Post Office Online Saver is provided by Bank of Ireland UK.
Bank of Ireland UK is a trading name of Bank of Ireland (UK) plc which is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority under registration number 512956. Registered in England and Wales (No. 07022885). Registered Office: 45 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7EH.
The above details can be checked on the Financial Services Register by visiting the Financial Conduct Authority website.
Post Office Limited is registered in England and Wales (No. 2154540). Registered Office: 100 Wood Street, London, EC2V 7ER. Post Office and the Post Office logo are registered trademarks of Post Office Limited.
Rates correct as of 12th February 2025.