For further information about the Horizon IT Scandal, please visit our corporate website

Easy customer payments, over the counter

With Post Office Payout® it’s easy to generate refunds, regular settlements, discretionary awards or make regular and emergency payments across our counters.

Just send your customers a barcoded voucher by post, email or SMS. They bring it into any branch to claim their payout. No need to write or send cheques.

You can make single or multiple payments at once. Or use Payout to issue energy top-ups.

Which Payout suits you?


  • Ideal for scheduled multiple payments you know in advance you’ll be making

  • Makes batch payments easy, as they’re ordered and dispatched together 

  • Barcodes for claiming payments stay valid for as long as you choose

Payout NOW!

  • Make one-off unplanned or emergency payments quickly and easily

  • Issue vouchers immediately by email or direct to customers’ phones via SMS

  • Barcodes for claiming payments stay valid for one month

How does it work?

  1. 1

    Generate your barcodes

    Create unique, single-use payment barcodes for your customers. There’s no complex IT development or integration required

  2. 2

    Send vouchers to your customers

    Issue barcoded vouchers by email, text or post depending on how customers need them – and how fast

  3. 3

    They get paid in any Post Office

    Customers can redeem the vouchers in branch. Our team will scan the barcode and pay them the exact amount in cash or as a top-up

Why pay out with Post Office Payout?


  • Regular, one-off or immediate emergency payments
  • No minimum or maximum value payment
  • Send vouchers in the post, by email or SMS
  • Branded to suit your business or service


  • Available to everyone – no need for a bank account
  • Pay by post – ideal for those not digitally literate
  • Authorised individuals can collect payments for customers
  • Available in audio, braille, large print and any language


  • Unique vouchers can only be redeemed once
  • We’ll check ID before making payments if you like
  • It’s easy to cancel and reissue vouchers if needed
  • Millions of vouchers redeemed without a single case of fraud


  • Vouchers can be redeemed at any Post Office across the UK
  • Cash provision guaranteed through our nationwide, independent supply operation
  • All counters have level access and space for wheelchairs and pushchairs

Interested? Let’s talk

To find out more about Post Office Payout please contact us.

Payout and Payout NOW! are available to public sector organisations through Crown Commercial Service (CCS) via Lot 3 of the RM3828 framework. CCS are an executive agency, sponsored by the Cabinet Office.