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Online ISA is provided by OneFamily, savings in Post Office Cash ISAs are deposited with Bank of Ireland UK

How it works

Our Online ISA is like a single wallet for your money. Split your savings into different pockets: a variable rate pocket for easy access and a fixed rate pocket that typically offers higher interest. 

Save from £100 up to £20,000 in an ISA tax year, subject to contributions to any other ISAs. Divide your allowance across as many products as you chose. And manage all your savings from one place to make the most of your money while staying within the ISA limits.

The minimum amount required to open an ISA is £100 for the Holding and Easy access product, and £500 for the Fixed rate product.

Online ISA

One main account for multiple savings funds

Easy access

Withdraw your money whenever you need it without penalty fees (1)

Frequently used for:

  • Rainy day funds;
  • Short term goals
  • Home emergencies

Fixed rate - 1 year

You’ll typically earn higher rates of interest but can only make one deposit. There’s a breakage charge to access money before the year is up

Frequently used for:

  • Buying a car
  • Wedding funds 
  • Holiday or Christmas funds

Fixed rate - 2 years

You’ll typically earn higher rates of interest but can only make one deposit. There’s a breakage charge to access money before the 2 years are up

Frequently used for:

  • Home deposits 
  • Family planning  
  • Education costs

(1) Any money moved out of an ISA will lose its tax free status

Is this the account for you?

Our Online ISA may be right for you if:

  • You’re looking for a savings account that earns tax-free interest

  • You want to transfer in savings from existing ISAs (always check if your current provider will charge a fee)

  • You’d like the flexibility to be able to spread your cash ISA savings across a range of products in one place

Our Online ISA may not be right for you if:

  • You want to make further deposits into a fixed rate product. However, you can have multiple fixed rate products within your Online ISA

  • You want to save more than your annual ISA allowance

  • You don’t want to manage your ISA online

  •  You’re under 18

Please consider the points below along with the ‘Common Online ISA questions’ further down the page when deciding if this Online ISA is right for you.

The products or rates of interest can be changed or withdrawn at any time. If you are using the Holding Account to consolidate or split your cash ISA savings before opening a specific product, there is a risk that the product or rate of interest you wanted will no longer be available by the time any funds are received.

Summary box

Account name: Post Office Online ISA

You must read all tabs of the summary box carefully before applying

  • What’s the interest rate?
  • Can Bank of Ireland UK change the interest rate?
  • What would the estimated balance be based on a £1,000 deposit?
  • How do I open and manage my account?
  • Can I withdraw my money?
  • Additional information

What’s the interest rate?

Easy Access

Issue 46

Annual interest rate without bonus  1.25%
Tax Free/AER variable
Annual interest rate with bonus 


Tax Free/AER variable (includes a fixed bonus of 3.15% gross)

Annual interest, calculated daily and paid on 20 March

Fixed Rate

Issue 56

  1 year 2 year
Annual interest rate


Tax Free/AER fixed


Tax Free/AER Fixed

Annual interest, calculated daily and paid on the anniversary of the account opening date

Holding Account

Annual interest rate without bonus  1.35%
Tax Free/AER variable
Annual interest rate with bonus  N/A

Annual interest, calculated daily and paid on 20 March

Can Bank of Ireland UK change the interest rate?

Holding Account and Easy Access (Issue 46)

Yes. We have the right to change the interest rate to these products. The reasons we may change your rate are outlined in the Interest Rates Section under the Variable Interest Rates clause of the Online ISA key information.

The Holding Account is designed to be a short-term home for your money while you decide what to do with it. Because of this, the interest rate will be lower than other products.

If we change your interest rate to your disadvantage, we’ll give you notice in writing a minimum of 14 days before the change takes effect, as long as you have at least £100 in your account.

Fixed Rate (Issue 56)

No, the interest rate is fixed during the term of the account.

At the end of the fixed term the value of the Fixed Rate, along with any interest earned, will be paid into the Holding Account of the Online ISA, where it will earn a variable rate of interest.

What would the estimated balance be based on a £1,000 deposit?

Holding Account

After 12 months £1,013.50
After 24 months N/A

Easy Access

Issue 46

After 12 months £1,044.00
After 24 months £1,057.05

Fixed Rate

Issue 56

  1 year 2 year
After 12 months £1,041.50 N/A
After 24 months N/A £1,078.48

These assumptions are based on a £1,000 deposit with no further deposits or withdrawals made during the months of the projection.
Projection is based on an annual interest option with interest paid into the account (compound interest). This projection is provided for illustrative purposes only and doesn’t take into account your individual circumstances.

How do I open and manage my account?


  • You can open an Online ISA if you're over the age of 18, a UK resident and resident in the UK for tax purposes. This doesn't include the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man
  • You can open an Online ISA as new cash ISA for this tax year (6 April to 5 April), or transfer funds in from an existing cash ISA
  • To apply for the Online ISA you must hold a UK bank or building society account in your name
  • If you already hold an Online ISA with us, you won’t be able to open another one

Opening your account

  • The Online ISA allows you to split your cash ISA savings into a selection of variable and fixed rate products, all held within your online account
  • When you open an Online ISA, we’ll automatically open a Holding Account for you. You can choose the Holding Account to make your initial deposit, or transfer in from another ISA you hold when opening your Online ISA 
  • Please note, before making any decision to transfer to us, you should check if your current provider will charge a fee
  • The minimum balance to open the account is £100 for the Holding Account and Easy Access, and £500 for the Fixed Rate ISA
  • You can open an Easy Access or Fixed Rate product with either a deposit, transfer from another ISA you hold, or with money from another product in your Online ISA (if permitted)
  • Fixed Rate ISAs can be opened with a single deposit only. Once opened, you won’t be able to make further deposits, transfers in or money moved from within your Online ISA
  • You can only apply online

 Managing your account

  • You can only manage your account online. You can’t access your Online ISA in a branch or by telephone
  • Once your Online ISA is open, you’ll be able to take out new products, when available. You can also move money between existing products already held in your account, if permitted, without completing any further applications
  • Once you’ve logged into your account, you can move money, make additional deposits or ISA transfers into existing products, if permitted. You can also request withdrawals. You can contact us by sending ‘secure messages’

If you wish to switch to another product, please ask in a Post Office branch. Please note that if you close your ISA or move funds to a non-ISA account, your money won’t benefit from the tax advantages of ISAs in the future.
The Post Office Online ISA does not have flexible features. This means that once withdrawn, your money will lose the tax advantages of ISAs and cannot be replaced within this ISA without affecting your annual ISA allowance.

Can I withdraw my money?

Holding Account and Easy Access (Issue 46)

  • There are no restrictions on the number of withdrawals that can be made to your nominated account. Any payment sent to your nominated account will no longer benefit from the tax advantages of ISAs
  • The minimum amount you can withdraw from any product is £10, or the value of that product, whichever is less
  • Money can also be moved without restriction to another product in your Online ISA that accepts money movements (minimum amount £1)

Fixed Rate (Issue 56)

  • The fixed rate product is designed for the money to be left untouched until the end of your chosen term. If you need to access your money, the product will be closed and a breakage fee will be charged. Therefore, before you take out a fixed term product, please carefully consider whether you will need to use those funds during the term.
  • If you need to access your money during the fixed rate term a Breakage Charge will apply. If you select a 1 year term, the Breakage Charge will equal 90 days loss of interest. If you select a 2 year term, the Breakage Charge will equal 180 days loss of interest. If the interest you've earned doesn't cover this, you may get back less than you paid in
  • If you need to close this product during its fixed term, you can request to have the money paid to your nominated account or to the Holding Account
  • After the end of the fixed rate term the value of the Fixed Rate, along with any interest earned, will be paid into the Holding Account
  • If you already hold an Online ISA and open a Fixed Rate product, you can request to close the product within 14 days and we’ll waive the Breakage Charge. Please see the Online ISA key information

Further details:

The Post Office Online ISA doesn’t have flexible features. This means that once withdrawn to your nominated account, your money will lose the tax advantages of ISAs and cannot be replaced in your account without affecting your annual ISA allowance.


Partial transfers are not permitted, and you won’t be able to transfer individual products held in your Online ISA. However, you can transfer your Online ISA in full to another ISA at any time. If you transfer your Online ISA, and you have money in a Fixed Rate product during its fixed term, a Breakage Charge will be applied to that product.


You cannot cancel individual products in your Online ISA. However, you can cancel your entire Online ISA within 14 days from the date you opened your account. If you do this, your Online ISA and any products in your account will be closed. You’ll receive a full refund of any deposits you’ve made plus the tax-free interest. Any returned deposits will not be regarded as having been paid into a cash ISA, and so won’t count towards your ISA allowance for the current tax year.

If you don’t cancel within the 14-day cancellation period, and request to close your Online ISA after this date, your money will no longer benefit from the tax advantages of ISAs. 

Additional information

The Holding Account may pay a lower rate of interest than other variable or fixed rate products you can hold within your Online ISA. Therefore, it should be considered as a short-term home for your cash ISA savings.

If you’re using the Holding Account to consolidate or split your cash ISA savings before opening a specific product, there’s a risk that the product or rate of interest you wanted will no longer be available by the time any funds are received.

*Tax-free means the interest paid will be free of UK Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax.

**AER stands for Annual Equivalent Rate and illustrates what the interest rate would be if interest was paid and compounded once a year.

Key documents

Please read these documents and guides before you apply. You may like to save or print them for future reference.

Ready to apply?

By applying you confirm that you have read and understood all sections of the summary box and key documents for this product.

Common Online ISA questions

  • To open the Online ISA you must:

    • be aged 18 or over and a UK resident for tax purposes
    • hold a UK personal bank or building society account in your name (sole or joint)
    • not already hold an Online ISA with us

    The minimum opening amount is £100 (minimum opening amounts vary between the products within the Online ISA). Please note, you’ll also need a valid email address, as this is how we’ll correspond with you about your ISA.

  • Please make sure you read the Online ISA key information pack (which contains the Terms and Conditions) and the summary box before you apply.

    Once you’re ready to apply, please complete an online application by selecting ‘Apply now’. We’re not able to accept paper or telephone applications.

    You can open the Online ISA with a deposit by debit card, cheque, or by transferring another ISA you already hold. You’ll be given the option to choose one product you wish to open within your Online ISA. If you’d like to split your funds across more than one product, you can choose to put your money in the Holding Account and move your funds once your account has been set up.

    Please note, the products or rates of interest on offer can be changed or withdrawn at any time. If you’re using the Holding Account to consolidate or split your ISA savings before opening a specific product, there’s a risk that the product or rate of interest you wanted will no longer be available by the time any funds are received.

  • The Online ISA allows you to manage your ISA savings online. Once your account’s open, you can pay in your savings across different types of products (fixed rate with different terms, or variable rate products), or put it all into a single product offered within the Online ISA.

    Once your Online ISA’s open, you can log in to make deposits, transfer in other ISAs, open new products and move money between products. You can also view your personal details, statements and important documents related to your ISA.

  • See more FAQs
  • You can deposit up to the maximum annual ISA limit set each tax year (that’s from 6 April to 5 April) subject to contributions in other types of ISAs. The annual limit for the 2024/25 tax year is £20,000.

    For example, if you deposit half of this years’ limit in a cash ISA with one provider, you can invest the other half into a stocks and shares ISA with the same or another ISA provider. 

  • We use electronic checks to confirm your identity as part of the Online ISA application process (if you aren’t applying for an ISA on behalf of someone else). If we’re unable to confirm your identity electronically, we’ll contact you by secure message to request other forms of identification before we can open your account.

    For fraud prevention and so that we can comply with anti-money laundering legislation, we may also ask for identification to be provided at other times. Please see the ‘How do I certify my documents?’ on the Online ISA Help and Support page for further information.

    Even if you’re already have a savings account with Post Office, you’ll still be asked for proof of identity when you open an Online ISA with us. This check will be independent of any previous checks carried out for any other Post Office savings or Post Office ISAs you have previously applied for.

  • Yes, you can select to open multiple products within the Online ISA (subject to the Terms and Conditions). You can open a new product with a deposit or a transfer of funds from another ISA provider. Before you transfer your existing ISA to us, you should check if your current provider will charge a fee.

    If you’d like to split your ISA savings between products, or would like to consolidate funds from previous years’ ISAs before opening a product, you can choose to put your funds into the Holding Account. You can then split the funds in the Holding Account to fund the opening of one or more products. For example, if you had £20,000 available, you could split this according to your needs, and choose to pay in £1,000 into product A, £5,000 into product B, and £14,000 into product C.

    Please note, the products or rates of interest on offer can be changed or withdrawn at any time. If you’re using the Holding Account to consolidate or split your ISA savings before opening a specific product, there’s a risk that the product or rate of interest you wanted will no longer be available by the time any funds are received.

  • Yes. You can transfer the value of your stocks and shares ISA to the Online ISA.

    Please be aware that the Online ISA is a cash ISA. Once your stocks and shares ISA is transferred, these will become cash ISA funds.

    Before transferring your existing ISA to us, you should check if your current provider will charge a fee.

    Please note, there are on-screen instructions provided when you request an ISA transfer, and you may need to print out relevant documents and send them to us by post.

  • When you complete the online application, you'll be asked how you’d like to fund the product you’re opening in your Online ISA. From the drop-down options select ‘ISA Transfer’ and press ‘Next’.

    The on-screen guidance will explain how to complete the transfer form. Please note, depending on which provider you are transferring funds from, you may need to print a paper form to send to us in the post at the following address:

    Post Office Savings
    PO Box 5179
    BN50 9UY

    We’ll inform you when your transfer has been completed.

    Before transferring your existing ISA to us, you should check if your current provider will charge a fee.

  • For more FAQs visit our Easy Access Cash ISA support page


AER stands for Annual Equivalent Rate and shows what the interest rate would be if interest was paid and added to your account each year.

A fixed rate of interest remains the same and doesn’t change for the duration of the fixed term. 

A variable rate of interest can go up or down throughout the lifetime of a savings account. 

Tax-free means the interest paid will be free from UK Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax. The tax advantages depend on your individual circumstances and the tax treatment of ISAs may change in the future 

Gross rates means we will not automatically deduct tax from the interest we pay on money in your account. It’s your responsibility to pay any tax you may owe to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC).

Please note: The tax advantages of ISAs depend on your individual circumstances and the tax treatment of ISAs may change in the future.

Existing customers

Manage your account online

Register or log in to manage your account

Manage your Online ISA

Online ISA help and support

For answers to common questions, helpful guides and how to contact us:

Visit our Online ISA support page

Protecting your savings

Find out more about the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) and how it protects your savings.

About FSCS protection

About our savings accounts

Post Office Online ISA is provided by OneFamily.

OneFamily is a trading name of Family Assurance Friendly Society Limited (incorporated under the Friendly Societies Act 1992, Reg. No. 939F), of which Family Equity Plan Limited (Co. No. 2208249) is a subsidiary. Financial Services Register numbers 110067 and 122351 respectively. Registered in England and Wales at 16-17 West Street, Brighton, BN1 2RL, United Kingdom. Family Assurance Friendly Society Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Family Equity Plan Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Bank of Ireland UK is a trading name of Bank of Ireland (UK) plc which is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority under registration number 512956. Registered in England and Wales (No. 07022885). Registered Office: 45 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7EH.

The above details can be checked on the Financial Services Register by visiting the Financial Conduct Authority website.

Post Office Limited is registered in England and Wales (No. 2154540). Registered Office: 100 Wood Street, London, EC2V 7ER. Post Office and the Post Office logo are registered trademarks of Post Office Limited.

Rates correct as of 12th February 2025.