It’s quick
Send money to bank accounts or for cash pick-up in minutes** from hundreds of thousands of agent locations in 200+ countries and territories
Here’s why so many customers entrust international money transfers to us:
Send money to bank accounts or for cash pick-up in minutes** from hundreds of thousands of agent locations in 200+ countries and territories
Pay the way you like – by bank account, credit or debit card. Money can be sent for cash pick up, direct to a bank account or to a mobile phone
Send money with complete confidence – robust encryption keeps your funds and details safe
Tell us how you want your transfer to be sent and received abroad. Then track it all the way.
Choose how to send
You can pay by bank account, credit*** or debit card, including Visa®, MasterCard®, Maestro® and Visa Electron®
Track every transfer
Senders and receivers can both check the progress of their transfers using unique tracking numbers (MTCNs)
Receive where it’s needed
Transfers can go direct to loved ones’ bank accounts. Or they can pick up the cash at hundreds of thousands of locations around the world
Register to start transferring money via your online account using your desktop, mobile or tablet today.
You can send money online to a Western Union location for cash pick-up, directly to your recipient bank account, or to your recipient mobile phone. After you've chosen your destination country, you'll see the types of services available.
Money in minutes – or as soon as the same or next day:
If you’re sending funds for recipients to pick up as cash from Western Union locations worldwide, they can do it in as soon 15-30 minutes or the same or next day, depending on the destination, how much you’re sending and the hours of operation at that location.
Money available in up to 2 days:
If you send money to a bank account, your money's generally available in up to 2 working days, depending on your recipient country.
Please be informed that the delivery time specified on the send money page varies according to the destination, payment method and payout method selected. It only estimates the time to deliver the money when the funds are received. It excludes the payment processing time.
You can pay with your debit or credit card, and a bank account using Faster Payments. Supported cards include Visa, MasterCard, Maestro and Visa Electron. After you've chosen your destination country, you'll see the types of payout services available to you.
Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode help prevent unauthorized online use of cards. These services use personal passwords or identity information and are available for most cards from participating financial institutions.
Once your card is activated, your card number will be recognized whenever it's used at participating online stores. A window will automatically appear, and your card issuer will ask for your password. You'll enter your password to verify your identity and complete your purchase.
If you haven't activated Verified by Visa or MasterCard SecureCode, your card can still be used on our site.
*Western Union also makes money from currency exchange. When choosing a money transmitter, carefully compare both transfer fees and exchange rates. Fees, foreign exchange rates and taxes may vary by brand, channel, and location based on a number of factors. Fees and rates subject to change without notice.
**Funds may be delayed or services unavailable based on certain transaction conditions, including amount sent, destination country, currency availability, regulatory issues, identification requirements, agent location hours, differences in time zones, or selection of delayed options. Additional restrictions may apply. See terms for details.
***Applicable third-party charges may apply.
Post Office International Money Transfer is an online service for private and business customers that want to transfer money abroad simply, securely and using a brand they can trust.
Post Office International Money Transfer is provided by Western Union.
The Western Union® Online Service is offered in the United Kingdom by Western Union Payment Services GB Limited (“WUPSGL”). WUPSGL is a UK company (number: 11326797) with registered offices at The Metro Building, 1 Butterwick, Hammersmith, London, W6 8DL.
Western Union Payment Services GB Limited (WUPSGL) is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Post Office Limited is registered in England and Wales. Registered numbers 2154540. Registered Office: 100 Wood Street, London, EC2V 7ER. Post Office Money and the Post Office Money logo are registered trademarks of Post Office Limited.