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Post Office Easy Access Cash ISA is provided by OneFamily, savings in Post Office Cash ISAs are deposited with Bank of Ireland UK

How it works

Easy to set up

All you need to open your Easy Access Cash ISA account is £100 or more, up to £20,000 in the 2024/2025 tax year.

Easy ways to pay in

You can make deposits any time by cash, cheque, debit card, or from your Post Office Easy Access savings account.

Or transfer from other providers. Some providers charge a transfer fee.

Unlimited cash withdrawals

There are no restrictions on the number of withdrawals that you can make each tax year. Minimum withdrawal amount is £10 or the value of your ISA, if it is less.

Is this the account for you?

Our Easy Access Cash ISA may be right for you if:

  • You want to transfer savings from an existing Post Office ISA or an ISA with another provider. Some providers charge a transfer fee

  • You'd like to make unlimited withdrawals per tax year. Once withdrawn you can't replace your savings without affecting your current ISA allowance

  • You’re looking for a savings account that earns tax-free interest

Our Easy Access Cash ISA may not be right for you if:

  • You’ve already invested £20,000 in other ISAs

  • You're under 18

Summary box

Account name: Post Office Easy Access Cash ISA (Issue 35)

You must read all tabs of the summary box carefully before applying

  • What’s the interest rate?
  • Can Bank of Ireland UK change the interest rate?
  • What would the estimated balance be based on a £1,000 deposit?
  • How do I open and manage my account?
  • Can I withdraw my money?
  • Additional information

What’s the interest rate?

Interest rate without bonus 1.35%
Tax Free/AER variable 
Interest rate with bonus (includes a bonus of 2.25% gross) 3.60%
Tax Free/AER variable 

Interest is calculated daily and paid annually in March

Can Bank of Ireland UK change the interest rate?

Yes. We have the right to change the interest rate on the Easy Access Cash ISA. The reasons we may change your rate are outlined in the ‘Interest rate’ section of the ISAs key information.

If we change your interest rate to your disadvantage, we’ll give you notice in writing a minimum of 14 days before the change takes effect, as long as you have at least £100 in your account.

What would the estimated balance be based on a £1,000 deposit?

After 12 months £1,036.00
After 24 months £1,049.99

These assumptions are based on a £1,000 deposit with no further deposits or withdrawals during the 24 months of the projection.

This projection is provided for illustrative purposes only and doesn’t take into account your individual circumstances.

How do I open and manage my account?


  • To apply you must be a UK resident and resident in the UK for tax purposes
  • ISAs cannot be applied for in joint names

Opening and managing your account

  • You can apply for an account in branch or by post, or you can ring us and request an application pack
  • Minimum balance to open the account is £100
  • You can deposit up to £20,000 into your Easy Access Cash ISA this tax year (subject to contributions in other ISAs)
  • Make unlimited transfers in from existing ISAs
  • You can manage your account by phone or by writing to us

If you wish to switch into or out of this product, please ask in a Post Office branch, but note that if this isn’t an ISA transfer and you close your ISA, your money won’t benefit from the tax advantages of ISAs in the future.

Before making a decision to transfer your ISA to us, you should check if your current provider will charge a fee.

Can I withdraw my money?

Our Easy Access Cash ISA gives you the flexibility of unlimited instant-access withdrawals per tax year.

  • You can make a withdrawal by calling us or writing to us
  • The minimum withdrawal is £10 or the value of your ISA, whichever is less
  • We’ll either send you a cheque or pay your money into a bank or building society account you’ve nominated
  • You can’t withdraw money over the counter at a Post Office branch

This ISA doesn’t have flexible features. This means that once withdrawn, your money will lose the tax advantages of ISAs and cannot be replaced within this ISA without affecting your annual ISA allowance.

If you close your ISA, your money will no longer benefit from the tax advantages of ISAs in the future.

Additional information

If you’d like to cancel, you can do so within 14 days from the date your Easy Access Cash ISA is opened by writing to us.

Interest is paid gross without tax deducted on our Easy Access Cash ISA. The tax advantages of cash ISAs depend on your individual circumstances, and the tax treatment may change in the future.

Before transferring an existing ISA to us, you should check if your current provider will charge a fee.

Key documents

Please read these documents and guides before you apply. You may like to save or print them for future reference.

Apply in branch

Apply in branch

Use our handy tool to find a branch who can help with your savings application

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      Apply by post

      Complete an application form and send it to us in the post. By applying you confirm that you have read and understood all sections of the summary box and key documents for this product.

      Common Easy Access Cash ISA questions

      • There are different types of ISA. You can find an up-to-date list of those available on the Government information and services website

        You can deposit up to the maximum annual ISA limit set each tax year (that’s from 6 April to 5 April) subject to contributions in other types of ISAs. The annual limit for the 2024/25 tax year is £20,000. For example, if you deposit half of this year’s limit in a cash ISA with one provider, you can invest the other half into a stocks and shares ISA with the same or another ISA provider. 

      • Anyone over the age of 18 years who is a UK resident can open an Easy Access Cash ISA, with a minimum deposit of £100. 

      • The interest earned in the Easy Access Cash ISA is tax-free.

        The tax advantages of ISAs depend on your individual circumstances and the tax treatment may change in the future.

      • If you already have an existing ISA with another provider, you can transfer your savings into an Easy Access Cash ISA.

        Moving funds from a previous tax year’s ISA will not affect the ISA limit you can save in this tax year.

        You can make a transfer when you apply, or as a top up once your account has been opened. Before transferring your existing ISA to us, you should check if your current provider will charge a fee.

        If you want to make a further deposit to your Easy Access Cash ISA this tax year, you can do so if you have subscribed or indicated on your application form that you intend to subscribe this tax year. For more details, call us on 0800 169 7500.

      • We can open an account as soon as we receive a valid application and your initial payment. To do this, we need to confirm your identity and address. Some customers may be required to provide further evidence, and in these cases, we’ll write to you.

        Please note, interest is payable on your Easy Access Cash ISA once your account has been opened and your initial payment has been accepted.

        Around 3 - 7 days after your account has been opened, you’ll receive a Welcome Pack confirming your account is open. The pack will also include:

        • a handy guide to help you manage your account.
        • a Top-up Card (if you’ve subscribed to your ISA in the current tax year or indicated on your application form that you intend to), so you can make additional payments in any Post Office branch.
      • For more FAQs visit our Easy Access Cash ISA support page


      AER stands for Annual Equivalent Rate and shows what the interest rate would be if interest was paid and added to your account each year.

      A variable rate of interest can go up or down throughout the lifetime of a savings account.

      Tax-free means that interest paid will be free from UK Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax. The tax advantages depend on your individual circumstances and the tax treatment of your ISA may change in the future.

      Gross rates means we will not automatically deduct tax from the interest we pay on money in your account. It’s your responsibility to pay any tax you may owe to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC).

      Nominated Account:
      A Nominated Account is a current account that we link to your savings account so that you can transfer money safely and securely. It must be a UK personal bank or building society account in your name(s) that accepts Direct Credits.

      Please note: The tax advantages of ISAs depend on your individual circumstances and the tax treatment of ISAs may change in the future.

      Existing customers

      Easy Access Cash ISA help and support

      For answers to common questions, helpful guides and how to contact us:

      Visit our Easy Access Cash ISA support page

      Protecting your savings

      Find out more about the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) and how it protects your savings.

      About FSCS protection

      About our savings accounts

      Post Office Easy Access Cash ISA is provided OneFamily, savings in Post Office Cash ISAs are deposited with Bank of Ireland UK.

      OneFamily is a trading name of Family Assurance Friendly Society Limited (incorporated under the Friendly Societies Act 1992, Reg. No. 939F), of which Family Equity Plan Limited (Co. No. 2208249) is a subsidiary. Financial Services Register numbers 110067 and 122351 respectively. Registered in England and Wales at 16-17 West Street, Brighton, BN1 2RL, United Kingdom. Family Assurance Friendly Society Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Family Equity Plan Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

      Bank of Ireland UK is a trading name of Bank of Ireland (UK) plc which is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority under registration number 512956. Registered in England and Wales (No. 07022885). Registered Office: 45 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7EH.

      The above details can be checked on the Financial Services Register by visiting the Financial Conduct Authority website.

      Post Office Limited is registered in England and Wales (No. 2154540). Registered Office: 100 Wood Street, London, EC2V 7ER. Post Office and the Post Office logo are registered trademarks of Post Office Limited.

      Rates correct as of 29th November 2024.